Clique Short Sleeve T-shirt has a modern fit that combines both style and comfort, making this t-shirt the perfect addition to your club's training wear. Choose from 7 distinctive colours, whichever best suits your team colours, and customise with your team's logo! These t-shirts are ideal for both on and off the track.
Print options:
Printed Area: Back: 30x35 2cm, Printed area: Chest: 10x10 cm, Printed Area: Chest: 10x10 cm Back: 30x35 cm, Printed Area: Chest: 30x35 cm, Printed Area: Chest: 20x20 cm Back: 30x35 cm, Unprinted
White, Dark navy (Blue navy), Black, heather, royal (Royal blue), Lagoon green, Pistol Grey, red, Visibility yellow