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End of life

End of life

The concept of "end-of-life" refers to the stage when a product has completed its initial use and needs to be disposed of responsibly. Recycling, Composting and Reusing have a lot of environmental benefits. Recycling and Reusing gives a second life to the materials, conserve resources and reduce energy consumption. Composting diverts organic waste, reduces methane emissions and enriches soil health.

Recyclable Products

Recyclable Products

Recyclable Products

Properly sorted recyclable materials are collected, processed, and remanufactured into new products. They reduce the demand for raw materials and and contribute to resource conservation, fostering a circular economy.
Rule of thumb: to recycle effectively, paper, plastic, glass, and metal should be separated from regular waste and designated recycling bins must be used.

Reusable Products

Reusable Products

Reusable Products

A reusable product is an item specifically designed and manufactured to be used and/or printed on multiple times, rather than being disposed of after a single use.

Compostable products

Compostable products

Compostable products

Compostable products are designed to break down naturally into organic matter when exposed to heat, moisture, and microbial activity, leaving no harmful residues behind. The process occurs at a relatively constant rate. Proper disposal is key to ensuring they break down as intended. Unlike traditional waste, these items decompose fully, Ultimately, compost can be used as a soil and plant fertilizer.

Read more on our company sustainability goals

Read more on our company sustainability goals

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